Kids and that stuff they say…


It is true. No one else will tell you the heart-breaking truth quite like kids do.

Sometimes, I wish I could erase the question I just asked my girls and move on. I always said that I was going to keep a journal of the things my girls said as they are young. But, unfortunately I didn’t and my mind (to my surprise) has lost some things from the past. There are a select few that I am pretty sure I can never forget. I do wish I would just carry a camcorder around with me always…I’m sure I could make money off of what my youngest says now. I am listing some of my favorites below-


It’s pronounced like shoe-she.




F-in Milk (I chose not to write the whole first word out) 😉

Chocolate Milk

Fly like a cheese stick

and that is what the song was called, not…

  I could probably go on forever. Both of my girls have such amazing personalities that I am thankful for each day. Now, when my 6 yr old tells me that I look so different and funny with my make-up off…That is when I wish she would keep at least 10% of her thoughts to herself. 🙂

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